Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Acted As Legal Counsel To Neev Fund, Eight Roads Investments Mauritius II Limited, And Aavishkaar India II Company Limited.
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (“CAM”) acted as the legal counsel to Neev Fund, Eight Roads Investments Mauritius II Limited;

Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas Acted As Legal Counsel To Neev Fund, Eight Roads Investments Mauritius II Limited, And Aavishkaar India II Company Limited.
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas (“CAM”) acted as the legal counsel to Neev Fund, Eight Roads Investments Mauritius II Limited and Aavishkaar India II Company Limited (collectively the “Clients”) in connection with the sale of their entire respective shareholding in Milk Mantra Dairy Private Limited (“Target”) pursuant to the 100% acquisition of the Target by Hatsun Agro Product Limited for INR 233 crores.
The Target Company is engaged in the business of manufacturing, marketing and selling milk and milk products.
The team at CAM was led by Jay Parikh, Partner; with support from Saranya Lal, Associate.
The transaction was signed on 20th January, 2025.