American Arm Of Valentino Advised By Morrison Cohen
The American arm of Italian luxury fashion brand Valentino last week won against a group of former workers seeking class;

American Arm Of Valentino Advised By Morrison Cohen
The American arm of Italian luxury fashion brand Valentino last week won against a group of former workers seeking class certification for a wage and hour lawsuit. Valentino’s American arm was advised by a Morrison Cohen legal team.
Jessica Clarke, Southern District of New York Judge, ruled that the complainant may still pursue its claims against Valentino USA in individual lawsuits though it failed to satisfy many requirements for class certification.
Complainants Zion Brereton, Andreya Crawford, James Choi and Rogelio Benitez filed suit against Valentino in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York in December 2019 alleging that Valentino was involved in violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act and New York Labor Law including misclassification of employees as ‘exempt’ or ‘independent contractors’ to avoid paying overtime wages. The complainants sought class certification and monetary compensation.
Co-chair of Morrison Cohen’s labour and employment and luxury brands group, Keith Markel, who is representing Valentino, reportedly said: “This is a significant decision not just for Valentino but for the entire luxury retail industry, as it highlights the importance of having robust compensation policies and remaining compliant with changing wage and hour laws. Because Valentino had done both, it achieved a favourable outcome from the court. It’s a valuable outcome for the entire luxury brands industry.”