Author sues Netflix over derogatory remarks on Madhuri Dixit in Big Bang Theory episode

Claims the content promoted sexism and misogyny

By: :  Anjali Verma
By :  Legal Era
Update: 2023-03-27 09:00 GMT

Author sues Netflix over derogatory remarks on Madhuri Dixit in Big Bang Theory episode Claims the content promoted sexism and misogyny Author and political analyst Mithun Vijay Kumar has sent a legal notice to the streaming giant, Netflix asking it remove one of the episodes of its popular show Big Bang Theory. Kumar stated that in the first episode of Season 2, the character...

Author sues Netflix over derogatory remarks on Madhuri Dixit in Big Bang Theory episode

Claims the content promoted sexism and misogyny

Author and political analyst Mithun Vijay Kumar has sent a legal notice to the streaming giant, Netflix asking it remove one of the episodes of its popular show Big Bang Theory.

Kumar stated that in the first episode of Season 2, the character Raj Koothrapalli, played by Kunal Nayyar used offensive and derogatory remarks against Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit.

The notice, sent to the Mumbai office of Netflix, stated that such content could have a negative impact on society, particularly in perpetuating harmful stereotypes against women. He added that the content promoted sexism and misogyny, not acceptable in any form.

Kumar demanded that Netflix remove the episode immediately. Failure to do so would result in legal action for promoting discrimination against women. He stated that if Netflix failed to respond or did not comply with the demands, he would take further legal action against the streaming giant.

Speaking about the matter, Kumar said, "It is important to hold companies like Netflix accountable for their actions and to ensure that they are sensitive to the cultural values and sentiments of the communities they serve. I strongly believe that streaming service providers have a responsibility to carefully curate the content that they offer on their platforms. It is their duty to ensure that the material they present does not include derogatory, offensive, or defamatory content.”

Kumar added, “I was deeply troubled by the use of a derogatory term in one of the shows on Netflix - Big Bang Theory. This term was used in reference to the acclaimed actress Madhuri Dixit, and it was not only offensive and deeply hurtful but also showed a lack of regard for her dignity. I strongly believe that streaming service providers must take such issues seriously and act quickly to address any instances of offensive or defamatory content.”

He further held, “Streaming service providers should be proactive in preventing such content from being streamed. This can be achieved through clear guidelines and rigorous screening processes for all the content published. Ultimately, streaming services have a significant influence over the content that is consumed by millions of individuals, and with this influence comes a responsibility to ensure that the content they offer is respectful, inclusive, and free from harmful stereotypes. I hope that this incident will serve as a wake-up call to all streaming services providers to work towards creating a more equitable and respectful media landscape."

The controversy surrounding the episode of Big Bang Theory has highlighted the need for greater sensitivity and awareness in the media and entertainment industry. It is felt that companies should be held accountable for their actions. They must uphold the cultural values and sensitivities of the communities.


By: - Anjali Verma

By - Legal Era

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