Tata Motors Agrees To Drop 'T-Series' Mark in a trademark infringement suit filed by Super Cassettes
In a trademark infringement suit filed by Super Cassettes Industries before the Delhi High Court, Tata Motors agreed to;

Tata Motors Agrees to Drop 'T-Series' Mark in a trademark infringement suit filed by Super Cassettes
In a trademark infringement suit filed by Super Cassettes Industries before the Delhi High Court, Tata Motors agreed to settle the matter and not use the mark 'T-Series or T.Series' in the marketing of its commercial vehicles.
Super Cassettes Private Limited had filed a suit in February seeking a permanent injunction restraining infringement, passing off and damages against Tata Motors Ltd. The court was recently told that the parties have settled their disputes amicably.
"In view of the settlement, the prayer for declaration made by the Plaintiff, for its marks 'T-Series /T.Series' to be declared as a well-known mark, is not being considered in the present case, and the Plaintiff is free to seek such a declaration in an appropriate case," said Justice Pratibha M Singh.
During the settlement, Tata Motors acknowledged the statutory and common law rights of Super Cassettes in the trademarks 'T-Series or T.Series' marks.
Super Cassettes also acknowledged Tata Motors rights in the mark 'T', 'Tata Motors' and the Tata logo and both parties agreed not to challenge each other's trademark registrations.
As per the settlement, it was also undertaken that Tata Motors will remove or takedown all the content with reference to the mark T-SERIES from its websites namely www.tatamotors.com and https://light-trucks.tatamotors.com and social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram.
Pursuant to the settlement agreement, Super Cassettes gave up its claim for rendition of accounts and damages.