Yohaan Abraham

Yohaan Abraham

Yohaan is a Paralegal within ALMT Legal’s disputes practice. Yohaan has read English Law at Queen Mary, University of London and completed his Masters of Law in Legal Practice (LLM LPC). He works on various matters relating to white collar fraud, commercial disputes, family law and on general private client matters. He is on track to dual qualifying as a solicitor in England & Wales and as an Advocate in India. He can be contacted on: yabraham@almtlegal.com & Yohaan Abraham at Linkedin.

Yohaan Abraham

From Yohaan Abraham

Powers Under CGST To Arrest - Ultra Vires To Fundamental Rights?

Powers Under CGST To Arrest - Ultra Vires To Fundamental Rights?

Powers Under CGST To Arrest - Ultra Vires To Fundamental Rights? There are concerns over the absence of specific statutory provisions governing the arrest procedure in CGST matters as this raises the...

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