Vivek Pandey

Vivek Pandey

Vivek Pandey is a Registered Patent Agent and Qualified Lawyer associated with S&A Law Offices. He has an Industrial and Research field experience of more than 5 years. He also has more than 7 years of experience in IPR field (dealing with Patent and Industrial Design cases). He graduated with B-Tech degree in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation from DIT Dehradun in 2012, post graduated with M-Tech Degree in Process Control (Instrumentation and Control Engineering) from NSIT New Delhi in 2017, post-graduation-diploma in IPR from IGNOU New Delhi in 2020 and graduated with LL.B degree from CCSU Meerut 2023.

Vivek Pandey

From Vivek Pandey

Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) – Detailed Study

Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) – Detailed Study

Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) – Detailed Study Introduction Patents which are important for maintaining industry standard and without these standards it is impossible to manufacture...

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