Puja Tiwari

Puja Tiwari

Puja Tiwari is a lawyer by profession with a background in economics and 20 years of experience in legal consulting, corporate law and implementation of legal processes and systems. She has a proven track record towards consistently delivering high-quality legal consulting solutions and enforcing processes under the strict timelines of a demanding industry. She has worked in various companies in retail, fast-moving consumer goods, real estate, tobacco and telecom infrastructure and has handled aspects of domestic as well as international business, food safety, consumer matters, legal metrology, labour matters, structuring of transactions, due diligence of projects, intellectual property rights in India and foreign jurisdictions, dispute resolution through litigation as well as alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation and arbitration.

Puja Tiwari

From Puja Tiwari

Goodwill And Reputation Transcend Geographical Boundaries

Goodwill And Reputation Transcend Geographical Boundaries

Goodwill And Reputation Transcend Geographical Boundaries The Delhi High Court examined all the facts in the writ petition in the case of Amit Sood vs Union of India and Ors. and held that the IPAB...

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