Meenakshi Acharya
Founder Partner
RMA Legal
Meenakshi completed her Law from Kishinchand Chellaram Law College, Mumbai in 2008. She has versatile experience in mergers & acquisitions, private equity and investments, foreign investments policies (FEMA), corporate & commercial transactions; capital market, ecommerce, real estate, infrastructure, employment & labour matters.
Meenakshi’s experience in working with top law firms of India like the AZB & Partners, Thakker & Thakker, ARA Law, and Singhania & Co., has helped her to guide RMA Legal to its current position in the market.
Over 20 years in the legal industry, Meenakshi’s experience includes structuring of foreign investment in light of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA); conducting due diligence on potential investment targets, conducting Due Diligences & preparing DD Reports including advising clients in relation to transactional documentation, pre and post investment restructuring as well as statutory compliances.
She has also helped clients in setting up e-commerce business platforms, preparing structures for B2B and B2C business model (with FDI Investment), preparing documentation in this respect apart from drafting various EPC contracts such as supply contract, erection contract, works contract.
She has carried out advisory work on issues arising out of the Companies Act, company related documentation, corporate compliances such as notices of Meenakshi has serviced a wide range of clientele including companies in the infrastructure sector, power sector, real estate, investment companies, IT companies and foreign investors from various jurisdictions.general meetings, resolutions at board and general meetings, filings with Registrar of Companies, etc.
Meenakshi has serviced a wide range of clientele including companies in the infrastructure sector, power sector, real estate, investment companies, IT companies and foreign investors from various jurisdictions.