Legal Era Leading Lawyers Rankings 2022
Rankings and listings are critical in the world of law and legal practice that has become very closely enmeshed with commerce and nation-building. Other than the informal route of word of mouth, how else do prospective clients get to know who the credible go-to lawyers are for the various legal requirements in the market across industry and sectors?
To bridge that need-gap, Legal Era-Legal Media Group has been working intensively to put together a competent asset that serves as the most reliable advisor whenever there is a market need to deploy legal expertise.
That exercise becomes even more relevant in the current scenario where Indian lawyers have proved themselves globally and earned a well-deserved reputation for being second to none, be it on benchmarks of preparedness or legal acumen, excellence or tenacity.
On that note, we are proud to announce the first edition of “Legal Era Leading Lawyers Rankings” 2022!
For those looking to find the crème de la crème lawyers to serve their needs in the best way possible, be it India Inc. or the legal industry, the Legal Era Leading Lawyers Rankings is the perfect power list to refer to and share ahead in your circles globally.
And for the coveted lawyers appearing in the Legal Era Leading Lawyers Rankings, this is your perfect asset to propel your growth towards new pinnacles of professional success as you further showcase your calibre, experience, and visibility.
The Selection Process
Just like all the Legal Era-bestowed recognitions, the Legal Era Leading Lawyers Rankings too will be the most coveted power list cum stamp of competence in the legal industry where the yardstick for judging competence only grows taller this time. The Legal Era team follows an intense methodology for selection. The team conducts extensive and exhaustive research that assesses the Leading Lawyers in India and lists the deserving ones, rightfully. That list then passes on to a panel of judges, an accomplished and independent fleet of stalwarts of the legal industry and the academia. They examine the information and churn out unbiased ranks. From there, only the finest and most deserving are filtered through another rigorous layer of study.
And there you have it, the Leading Lawyers from India who have been shining brightly through thick and thin, through the vagaries and the dynamics of the pandemic world, proving their competitiveness and mettle, innovation, and agility. These Leading Lawyers will appear under 15 Practice Groups.