Dr. Deborshi Barat

Dr. Deborshi Barat

Dr. Deborshi Barat

From Dr. Deborshi Barat

Reliance Retail’s Capital Reduction: The Position of Minority Shareholders

Reliance Retail’s Capital Reduction: The Position of Minority Shareholders

Reliance Retail’s Capital Reduction: The Position of Minority Shareholders A company may decide to reduce its share capital by way of share cancellation or through other methods such as a buy-back. ...

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Reaching for the Stars: Private Sector Participation in India’s Space Sector

Reaching for the Stars: Private Sector Participation in India’s Space Sector

Reaching for the Stars: Private Sector Participation in India’s Space Sector India’s space sector has witnessed several attempts in respect of legislative reform with the aim to promote private...

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Contractual Arrangements Under India’s New Data Protection Law: A Data Fiduciary’s Guide to the Data Processing Universe

Contractual Arrangements Under India’s New Data Protection Law: A Data Fiduciary’s Guide to the Data Processing Universe

Contractual Arrangements Under India’s New Data Protection Law: A Data Fiduciary’s Guide to the Data Processing Universe Compared to its predecessor draft and unlike the GDPR of the European Union...

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Personal and Non-Personal Data in Digital India: Before and After

Personal and Non-Personal Data in Digital India: Before and After

PERSONAL AND NON-PERSONAL DATA IN DIGITAL INDIA: BEFORE AND AFTER This is the first note of a multipart series, focused on distinguishing between personal and non-personal data, including with...

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Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency: The India Story

Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency: The India Story

Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency: The India Story INTRODUCTION With 10 million new homes required to be built every year to keep pace with Indian housing demand, significant opportunities exist...

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Great Expectations: Indias Tryst with Climate Change

Great Expectations: India's Tryst with Climate Change

GREAT EXPECTATIONS: INDIA'S TRYST WITH CLIMATE CHANGEA few months before the COP Statement was issued last year, during an Independence Day address, the Prime Minister had pledged that India would...

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E-Vroom! An Overview of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Sector in India

E-Vroom! An Overview of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Sector in India

E-Vroom! An Overview of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Sector in India INTRODUCTION The road transportation sector accounts for a significant proportion of global emissions, making electric vehicles...

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