C. F. Tsai

C. F. Tsai

While I keeps the accidental historical chance to be the first Taiwan patent practitioner both having technological and law backgrounds and qualified as a local attorney-at-law, and the sole practitioner passing the Taiwan bar (or high) examinations both in technological and law fields, I extensively got involved from 1972 in works related to mechanical, electric, electronic, civil engineering, chemical, semiconductor and medical fields in the patent industry after earning marine engineering bachelor from National Chiao Tung University. I finished my law degree from National Taiwan University, and master law degree from Soo Chow University. I founded Deep & Far attorneys-at-law in 1992. I read books authored thousands of years ago every day.

C. F. Tsai

From C. F. Tsai

Re-recognition of Law

Re-recognition of Law

Re-recognition of Law You should be congratulated if you live in a country having a better situation than Taiwan, writes the author Under Merriam-Webster there are six entries for "law" the first of...

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Being A Democracy or Authoritarian Setup Doesnt Say Much

Being A Democracy or Authoritarian Setup Doesn't Say Much

BEING A DEMOCRACY OR AUTHORITARIAN SETUP DOESN'T SAY MUCH … for there are different types of democracy and authoritarian regimes Sometimes, whether a person or a country is regarded or categorized...

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