Two Judicial Officers appointed Judges of Rajasthan High Court
The names of judicial officers have been cleared by the Central Government for appointment as judges of the Rajasthan High Court.Following a SC Collegium resolution passed earlier this month, the elevation of Abhay Chaturvedi and Narendra Singh Dhaddha to the High Court Bench has been endorsed by the Government.The notification read, “In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1)...
The names of judicial officers have been cleared by the Central Government for appointment as judges of the Rajasthan High Court.
Following a SC Collegium resolution passed earlier this month, the elevation of Abhay Chaturvedi and Narendra Singh Dhaddha to the High Court Bench has been endorsed by the Government.
The notification read, “In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (1) of Article 216 of the Constitution of India, the President is pleased to appoint S/Shri (1) Abhay Chaturvedi and (2) Narendra Singh Dhaddha, to be Judges of the Rajasthan High Court, in that order of seniority, with effect from the date they assume charge of their respective offices.”
The working strength of the Rajasthan High Court has risen to 25 judges against a sanctioned strength of 40 judges.
The High Court Collegium proposed a total eleven names for elevation to the High Court in May 2018. However, the Supreme Court Collegium had decided to defer the consideration of the remaining nine names for the present.