Legal Era Insolvency Summit 2021 - Keynote Address by Dr. T. K. Viswanathan

By :  Legal Era
Update: 2021-11-22 04:45 GMT

Dr. T. K. Viswanathan, the person who laid down the foundation of the IBC Code passionately shared how the IBC Code was not just important legislation but also a distinct one.

"The IBC is a jewel in the Indian statute book and historical reform legislation. The Code infused a new wave of legal reform using data analytics, AI, market indicators and keeps the law in sync with socio-eco realities. It has a sharp focus on the relationship between law and economics. The Code is a piece of eco legislation and a result of the government's response to challenges faced by the country in a fast-changing global economy. The code represents the current market realities and is supplemented by a rich ecosystem that other Acts of parliaments lack."

By - Legal Era

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