HDFC Life Sar Utha Ke Jiyo

By :  Legal Era
Update: 2018-07-04 05:44 GMT

Legal Era Magazine throws light on the product portfolio,journey thus far and future plans of one of India’s leadinglights in life insurance…...LE: What led to HDFC Ltd., one ofIndia’s leading housing financeinstitutions, branching out intoHDFC Life, a leading long-term lifeinsurance solutions’ provider in thecountry?HDFC Life Insurance: Since its foundation in 1977 as a...

Legal Era Magazine throws light on the product portfolio,

journey thus far and future plans of one of India’s leading

lights in life insurance…...

LE: What led to HDFC Ltd., one of

India’s leading housing finance

institutions, branching out into

HDFC Life, a leading long-term life

insurance solutions’ provider in the


HDFC Life Insurance: Since its foundation in 1977 as a specialized mortgage

company, HDFC Ltd. has grown to be a financial conglomerate

offering a bouquet of financial services to its customers

through its subsidiary and associate companies. In Aug

2000, when IRDA opened up the market for private players,

HDFC Ltd. saw the underpenetrated insurance market as an

untapped opportunity and was amongst the first to apply for

registration and form the first private life insurance company

in India, which we know as HDFC Life today.

We had a simple and compelling vision for the Company.

We wanted to secure the lives of our customers by giving

them the best value for their money. The objective was that

of empowering customers to enable them to live with pride.

Over the past 18 years, we have strived hard to stay true

to this objective and it continues to be the guiding light for

everything that we do at HDFC Life.

From its inception in the year 2000, today, HDFC Life has

become one of the leading life insurance companies in India,

offering a range of individual and group insurance solutions

that meet various customer needs such as Protection, Pension,

Savings & Investment and Health, along with Children’s and

Women’s Plans.

LE: Can you briefly take us through the gamut

of your individual insurance solutions?

HDFC Life Insurance: As on June 30, 2018, the Company had 34 individual

products in its portfolio. These products cater to a diverse

range of customer needs such as protection, savings &

investment, health insurance and retirement. Below are the

details of some of our offerings:

1. Term Plans: We have a range of term insurance plans

that are comprehensive and provide complete protection

and financial stability to policyholders’ families in case

of any unforeseen events. These plans are competitively

priced. One of our most popular and appreciated products

Click 2 Protect 3D Plus, offers 9 options, which ensure

protection against the three eventualities of life - Death,

Disability and Disease as per customers’ requirements.

2. Health Insurance Plans: These plans offer financial

security to meet health-related contingencies. Depending

on the health insurance plan chosen, the policyholder

can get coverage for critical illness expenses, surgical

expenses, hospital expenses, etc.

3. Child Insurance Plans: Child plans help in financial

planning for one’s child’s future needs. As a parent, one

can secure the child’s future through these plans which

cater to needs like education expenses, even in one’s

absence or otherwise. One such plan that we offer is

HDFC SL Young Star Super Premium, which is a unitlinked

insurance plan (ULIP) designed to save for the

child’s future, even in the absence of the earning parent.

4. Savings and Investment Plans: These products provide

an opportunity to customers for creating wealth for

future financial goals, through disciplined and periodic

investment in different funds, over the long term. Our

HDFC Life Click 2 Invest Ulip plan is one such plan that

offers customers eight fund options to choose from, with

zero allocation charges and the flexibility to choose the

policy term.

5. Women’s Insurance Plans: These plans are a set of

specially created and handpicked products which suit the

needs of women at different stages of their life, such as

protection, health, retirement, child’s education and longterm

savings and investment.

6. Retirement Plans: HDFC Life has Retirement and

Pension Plans which provide regular income post retirement. These plans enable retirees

to live with pride without compromising

on their lifestyle. HDFC Life Click 2 Retire

is one such online Unit Linked Plan that

provides market-linked returns, with

minimal charges.

Legal Era In Conversation With NARENDRA GANGAN, General Counsel, HDFC Life Insurance

LE: As the General Counsel, Company

Secretary of HDFC Standard Life Insurance

Company Limited, you have an overflowing

plate. Can you briefly take us through

the gamut of your legal, compliance and

secretarial functions?

Narendra Gangan: The department has a constant flow of challenging work

and there are various dedicated teams to deal with subject

matters, though we strongly believe in collaborating together

to deliver as a cohesive department. The broad activities in

which the department pans its involvement are Advisory,

Assurance, Regulatory Reporting, Stakeholder Engagement,

Relationship Management with Statutory and Regulatory

Bodies and Governance and Monitoring. Some of the key

activities involved are providing legal advisory to business,

contractual documentation, advising on strategic projects,

policy documentation for insurance products, addressing

pan India litigation, which fall under the Legal vertical.

Implementing listing compliances with Stock Exchanges,

Policy Framework and Corporate Governance responsibilities

are under the Secretarial vertical. Implementing regulatory

compliances mandated by IRDA, policy advocacy, AML

checks and compliances, regulatory advisory to business,

compliance training regarding compliance framework fall

under the compliance vertical. The department as a whole

is also engaged in dealing and meeting requirements of

multiple regulatory bodies like IRDA, SEBI, RBI, MCA, BSE and

NSE on an ongoing basis.

The various teams are led by seasoned professionals, i.e.,

Legal team is led by Sankalp Jain, Secretarial team by Nagesh

Pai and Compliance team by Prithwiraj Sengupta.

LE: Share your listing experience of HDFC

Life and related challenges you encountered

during the journey?

Narendra Gangan: I joined the Company in the month of July 2017 and was

immediately roped in to lead the core team to handle the

IPO post calling off merger with Max Life Insurance Company

Limited (Max Life). The task involved formulating a legal

strategy to take the Company to a successful IPO in a

short span of time and the task involved obtaining critical

regulatory approvals from multiple regulators like IRDA, SEBI,

RBI, MCA, NSE and BSE and other multiple stakeholders such

as JV partners viz. HDFC Ltd and Standard Life, U.K.

The project was further very complex and challenging as

the Company had called off its merger with Max Life in July

2017; the former Head of the Department had decided to

leave the Company. The Company needed strong legal and

regulatory leadership to navigate the IPO project and the

ongoing business responsibilities. Against this backdrop, the

team worked on the IPO, completing the legal due diligence

process, drafting the red herring prospectus, negotiating

and obtaining approvals from multiple regulators like IRDA,

SEBI, and RBI. The legal team worked closely with the team

of investment bankers, and managed the expectation of

multiple stakeholders, both internal and external, to achieve the objective of IPO in record time.

During those four months, we lost count of time as countless

hours were spent on the review and execution of the listing

project and the key team members toiled day and night. We

were virtually “living” in the office.

Since the Company also has a coveted 15-member Board

of Directors, comprising industry stalwarts like Mr. Deepak

Parekh, Sir Gerald Gemstone (Chairman of Standard Life

Group, UK), Mr. Keki Mistry, Dr. JJ Irani, Mrs. Renu Karnad, the

department had to meet the expectations set by the Board,

navigate the reputational and regulatory risks associated

with an unsuccessful IPO, etc. The Company achieved a very

successful IPO and is now amongst the top 30 companies in

India based on market capitalization. The department did a

remarkable job in achieving this milestone for the Company,

which is my favourite project till date as “we delivered” when

it mattered the most.

LE: You are also part of various key Councils

and Committees of HDFC Standard Life

Insurance Company Limited. Can you outline

your functions within each Council and


Narendra Gangan: An effective GC is required to be strategic, to be able to

anticipate issues and estimate risks, including safety, security,

reputational, regulatory and legal risks. In this endeavor,

I contribute effectively as a member of some of the key

Councils of the Company with diverse cross-functional

strategic and business objectives and work closely with other

business leaders to resolve issues to advance business. The

key objective being to proactively identify issues, provide

solutions, balance risk and growth, and provide an enabling

framework to seamlessly operate and ensure compliance with

the legal and regulatory framework in which the Company


1. Risk Management Council

It is an internal risk governance committee entrusted with

the oversight of risk management objectives within the

organization and also has the primary responsibility to embed

the risk culture within the organization:

1. The role is to create a sound risk aware culture and review

risks for the accomplishment of business strategies;

2. Identifying key risks and emerging risks, and devise risk

strategies to ensure its plausible reduction;

3. Evaluating significant risk exposure of the Company and

assist in chalking out action plans to mitigate / manage

the exposure in a timely manner.

2. Whistle Blower Committee

As the GC of the Company, I have to ensure that we are

committed to the highest standards of personal, ethical and

legal conduct for conducting its business in all transactions/

engagements with all internal and external Stakeholders,

including customers. In this endeavor, I strongly encourage

and support employees/whistleblowers to report any suspected instances of unethical/improper behaviour and provide a mechanism

through its ‘Whistle Blower Policy’. The said Policy provides the employees

with a channel for communicating any suspected instances/complaints and a

platform for their resolution through proper governance mechanism.

3. Compliance Council

In my role as a Compliance Officer and part of the Compliance Council, I work

with the management with the following objectives:

1. Approving the compliance monitoring plan and review plans;

2. Overseeing the compliance of guidelines and regulations issued by

regulatory bodies;

3. Strategies around managing potential regulatory issues; and

4. Implement effective compliance risk management and ensuring effective

process and controls to mitigate/manage the exposure.

4. Cyber Council

With increasing threat of cyber attacks and frauds impacting various industries,

we pay lot of importance to strengthening our Information Security Group

(ISG). Some of the key initiatives of the ISG program includes Network DDoS,

web protection of portals, next-generation firewalls, tie-ups with forensic

partners, risk-based authentication, security event configuration and alerts.

Some of these measures are designed to help HDFC Life assess current

capabilities and draft prioritized roadmap toward improved cyber-security

framework and risk mitigation from cyber attacks.

5. Claims Review Committee

The Claims Review Committee (CRC) provides an opportunity for life insurance

claimants to represent further information and their point of view with respect

to the claim decisions taken by HDFC Life. The CRC deliberates on escalations

whether to process or reject the claim based on the facts and circumstances

of each case, evidence on records, prevailing legal jurisprudence on such claim


In addition to the above committees, I am also a member of the Grievance

Redressal Committee, Disciplinary Committee and Prevention of Sexual

Harassment Committee.

LE: Prior to joining HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company

Limited, you were associated with IDFC Limited, DSP

Merrill Lynch Limited, IL&FS Limited, Baskin Robbins and

20th Century Finance Corporation Limited in various

leadership positions. In what ways have your prior

experiences helped/shaped you?

Narendra Gangan: My career has been majorly in the financial services sector including fund-based

and non-fund-based products. My experience of having worked with large

financial conglomerates has given me an opportunity to observe and inculcate

highest standards of corporate governance and ethics. Working with highquality

management groomed me to develop balanced judgment on critical

issues, ability to handle high-pressure situations, and develop leadership skills.

My role as a GC and Compliance Officer has improved my skills in regulatory

relationship management and policy advocacy, which brings lot of value in

dealing with high-stake projects.

I continuously set new bars for delivering performance, as apart from working

on routine business matters, I ensure that we are always involved in strategic

projects, assisting in designing path-breaking products, advising and developing

risk mitigation solutions for our stakeholders. The approach of “thinking out

of the box” percolates down the team so that we continuously deliver and

add value when the business demands and live up to the expectation of being

part of the most valuable insurance company in India.

7. Rural and Social Plans: These plans are

a special offering from HDFC Life for the

benefit of rural customers. These plans

are designed keeping in view the rural

population and aim to provide stable

returns and insurance. HDFC SL Sarv

Grameen Bachat Yojana is one such plan

that provides robust returns even on an

investment as small as '200 by adding

50% to the original investment in five

years. Apart from guaranteed returns,

this plan offers the essential security of a

life insurance.

Besides these, we also have specialized

products for segments like NRIs and

personnel in the armed forces, police &

paramilitary forces.

LE: Can you briefly take us

through the gamut of your Group

insurance solutions?

HDFC Life Insurance: HDFC Life has 11 group products in its

portfolio. These products help employers and

trusts meet their employee benefit liability

obligations in a simple, efficient and costeffective

manner while helping employees to

secure their family’s financial independence

in case of untimely demise or critical illness.

Some of our Group insurance solutions are

listed below:

HDFC Life Group Unit Linked Pension Plan

provides a flexible solution for managing

superannuation obligations.

The HDFC Life Group Variable Employee

Benefit Plan and HDFC Life New Group Unit

Linked Plans are flexible & cost effective nonparticipating

variable insurance plans to help

employees build a corpus to fund future

financial needs.

Our HDFC Life Group Term Insurance Plan

offers life insurance for members, thus

helping employers to reinforce their bond

with their employees.

Group Term Micro-Insurance: We have

products like HDFC Life Group Jeevan

Suraksha Plan which is a Non-Linked, Non

-Participating, Group Term Micro-Insurance


Legal Era In Conversation With Sankalp Jain, VP & Head-Legal, HDFC Life Insurance

LE: As the Vice President, Legal, HDFC Standard Life Insurance

Company Limited, you look into legal issues impacting the

life insurance business of the Company. Can you briefly take

us through your various legal functions?

Sankalp Jain: The Legal vertical is split in two silos, Corporate Legal and Zonal Legal with different

mandates, though both silos collaborate together on various projects depending

upon business demands. Under Corporate Legal, we work on all contractual

documentation for the Company, cover insurance product policy documentation,

provide corporate legal advisory to the business. We execute almost 800 plus

contracts annually apart from working on strategic business mandates, providing

routine legal advisory to the business under the Corporate Legal department.

Under Zonal Legal, we handle pan India litigation cases covering Insurance

Ombudsman, Consumer Forums, High Courts with an approx. count of 2,500

plus cases. Both the silos are almost run like a revenue centre as opposed to a cost

center, as we saved approx. '25 crs in FY 2018 through effective litigation and

contract management.

LE: Prior to joining HDFC Life, you worked with the likes of

ZYFIN Group, Morgan Stanley Investment Management

and Principal Financial Group, and also worked as an

Associate Lawyer for a premier law firm in Delhi. How

have these experiences helped/shaped you?

Sankalp Jain: My diverse experience of working with a law firm in the initial years

and as an in-house Legal Counsel with large global MNCs like PFG

and MS during the mid years and with a fintech start-up company like

ZyFin lately strengthened my legal skills, judgment, compliance and risk

management expertise, increased knowledge of business processes, and

honed my leadership skills. The opportunity to work in senior roles with

different companies during different life cycles of businesses was enriching as I

had to calibrate and enhance my legal and management skills set as per the needs

of the business. All these experiences refined my legal acumen to provide legal

solutions with a business mindset, instilled the maturity to handle innovative and

demanding legal projects, improved my leadership skills and encouraged me to

develop gravitas and candor in my working style.

Credit Protect Plans: We also have Credit Protect plans

like the HDFC Life Group Credit Protect Plus Insurance

Plan, where, in the event of death, disability or illness of

the insured member(s), it protects their families from the

burden of repaying the outstanding loan to the financial


LE: It has been 18 long years since the Company

was established. How has the journey been?

HDFC Life Insurance: The journey from being the first Private Life Insurance

Company in the year 2000 to being amongst the Top 30

companies in India by market cap in 2018 has been a very

fulfilling journey. Some of the key milestones in our journey

have been:

2003: We crossed 1,00,000 policies and 10,000 individual

agents. We also tied up with distribution partners like HDFC Bank and other banks which still run


2004: We launched unit-linked funds and added a new

distribution tie-up with Saraswat Bank

2007: We crossed the 500,000 policy milestone

2010: Our AUM crossed '200,000 million

2011: We incorporated our subsidiary, HDFC Pension in

June, 2011

2012: Our company turned profitable, and registered a

profit of '2,710 million and the total premium for the

year crossed '1,00,000 million

2014: Company’s AUM crossed '5,00,000 million; dividend

was declared for the first time in December 2013

2016: Our total premium crossed the '1,60,000 million

mark. Our subsidiary, HDFC International was authorized by Dubai Financial Services Authority to

carry on financial services

2017: HDFC Life got successfully listed with the IPO being

oversubscribed close to 5 times

Over these 18 years, HDFC Life today has consolidated

its position to being the most valued and amongst the

top three private leading life insurance companies.

Our strategy over the years has helped us differentiate

ourselves by ensuring a Balanced Product Mix, Innovative

Products, Going Digital and a diverse fortified distribution


LE: Do you think HDFC Life’s success is largely

due to the mammoth presence and reach

enjoyed by its parent company, HDFC Ltd.?

HDFC Life Insurance: Leveraging the existing distribution franchise was certainly

one of the key hypothesis when HDFC Ltd. floated

the insurance subsidiary. So, it was only incumbent upon

HDFC Life to rely upon HDFC Ltd., especially in the early

years. But over a period of time, we have developed extremely

strong channels of Bancassurance and online in retail

business and Direct in group business. We owe our

success to these channels as much as we do to the parent


Having said that, the brand of HDFC has emerged as a

recognized financial services conglomerate and has been

ranked amongst the best Indian brands with its partner and

subsidiaries gaining from the same, HDFC Life being no

exception to this.

The cornerstone of HDFC’s excellent brand strength and

recall amongst consumers emerges from its unrelenting

focus on corporate governance, its high standards of ethics

and clarity of vision, and this percolates across its group


LE: HDFC Life has 413 branches across the

country and additional distribution touchpoints

through new tie-ups and partnerships

within traditional and non-traditional

ecosystems. Please elaborate.

HDFC Life Insurance: Our multi-location and multi-channel distribution network

provides us with the flexibility to adapt to changes in

the regulatory landscape. We believe that our diversified

and geographically spread distribution model gives us a

widespread footprint across different customer segments.

As a result, HDFC Life had 19% (FY’18) market share among

private life insurers in India in terms of total new business


Despite this diversified distribution spread, we have

maintained a sharp focus on customer needs and distribution

efficiencies, thereby managing to build economies of scale

across most of our distribution channels and maintaining

profitability for each of our distribution channels.

LE: More specifically, you have 163 partners

including NBFCs, MFIs and SFBs and 26 nontraditional

partners. Please elaborate.

HDFC Life Insurance: We have consciously expanded the number of our

partnerships and diversified our sources of new business

premium to increase our geographic reach and penetration

across customer segments. We believe that we can leverage

the large network of potential customers from our distribution

partners to distribute and cross-sell our products.

HDFC Life offers an attractive value proposition for distribution

partners, as demonstrated by our longstanding, successful

relationships with our bancassurance partners through

corporate agency or master policyholder arrangements.

Despite the spread of our distribution, we ensure that our

agile distribution platform and highly skilled key account

managers support all requirements of both traditional and

non-traditional distribution partners.

LE: Having such a gargantuan network can

be both advantageous and disadvantageous

at the same time. Please comment.

HDFC Life Insurance: Yes, a wide network of distribution partners has its own set

of merits and challenges that we need to keep in mind.

We help ‘Reimagine

Life Insurance’, by innovating and collaborating,

to create value through our Legal


The obvious merits of such a strategy are:

1. Access to partner customers for cross-selling Insurance.

2. Mitigate risk of over-reliance on a single channel or


3. Access to a larger spectrum of customer segments.

4. Effective leverage of a unified customer and distributor

interaction platform resulting in faster partner and

customer on-boarding.

The risks that one needs to safeguard in this kind of a scenario


1. Tight control on the quality of sales and safeguard against

mis-selling practices.

2. Ensuring all regulatory requirements of partner

representatives from the training and licensing perspective

are taken care of.

3. Technology platforms compatibility between Partner and

our systems.

4. Safeguarding customer data.

LE: Tell us more about HDFC Pension

Management Company Ltd. established in


HDFC Life Insurance: Our subsidiary, HDFC Pension, was established on June 20,

2011. We are the fastest-growing Pension Fund Manager

under the National Pension System (NPS) architecture with

AUM of '30.2 bn as on 30th June 2018 (113% YoY growth).

…and consistently gaining market share. HDFC Pension ranks

#1 across all the categories including AUM, Monthly Fund

Flow and No. of Retail and Corporate Customers amongst

private PFMs.

LE: Tell us more about HDFC International Life

and Re Company Ltd.

HDFC Life Insurance: Our reinsurance subsidiary, HDFC International Life & Re,

was incorporated on 10th January, 2016 in the DIFC.

The Company offers reinsurance of individual life products

and group credit schemes with UAE, Oman & Bahrain

-based ceding insurers. The Company declared Gross

revenue of USD 0.7 million during Q1 FY19 and

continued to show healthy technical profits. The Company

also became overall profitable during the same quarter,

within three years of operations. This is testimony to the

strength of the underlying underwriting and risk assessment


LE: What lies ahead for HDFC Life?

HDFC Life Insurance: i. Building a long-term and sustainable business

ii. Deep commitment to customers’ interests

iii. Creating customer-friendly products

iv. Sustained investment in technology for Customers and

Distributors alike

v. Operational and Sales Efficiencies

By - Legal Era

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