King & Spalding Advised VerSe Innovation, India's Biggest Language Technology Platform, In Acquisition Of New York's Magzter
King & Spalding Advised VerSe Innovation Private Limited and its affiliates (VerSe), the parent firm of Indian news aggregator;
King & Spalding Advised VerSe Innovation, India's Biggest Language Technology Platform, In Acquisition Of New York's Magzter
King & Spalding Advised VerSe Innovation Private Limited and its affiliates (VerSe), the parent firm of Indian news aggregator app Dailyhunt, India’s biggest local language technology platform, in its cross-border acquisition of Magzter, Inc.
Magzter, a popular New York-based digital newsstand platform maintains partnerships with numerous prominent publishers, offering a vast array of titles such as The New Yorker, The Economist, Vanity Fair, and Time. With an impressive global user base of 87 million, Magzter has established itself as a go-to destination for digital content consumption, aligning perfectly with VerSe's mission to provide high-quality, content through its flagship app, Dailyhunt.
The deal, guided by the expertise of King & Spalding's legal team, including Parveet Singh Gandoak (Partner), Daniel Kahan (Partner), Eric Nyman (Associate), and Hope Sheils (Associate), signifies a strategic step forward for VerSe in its quest to solidify its position as a leader in the digital content space.