Mountain Dew wins suit against PepsiCo
MagFast Beverages wins suit against PepsiCo to use trademark Mountain Dew;
Mountain Dew wins suit against PepsiCo MagFast Beverages wins suit against PepsiCo to use trademark Mountain Dew Hyderabad based MagFast Beverages has won the battle against beverages MNC, Pepsico to use the trademark, 'Mountain Dew'According to Magfast Beverages Chairman Syed Ghaziuddin, his company started selling packaged drinking water named 'Mountain Dew in the year 2000. He said,...
Mountain Dew wins suit against PepsiCo
MagFast Beverages wins suit against PepsiCo to use trademark Mountain Dew
Hyderabad based MagFast Beverages has won the battle against beverages MNC, Pepsico to use the trademark, 'Mountain Dew'
According to Magfast Beverages Chairman Syed Ghaziuddin, his company started selling packaged drinking water named 'Mountain Dew in the year 2000.
He said, that by 2003, PepsiCo company of USA launched its soft drink product in India under the name 'Mountain Dew'. So PepsiCo started investigating and searching for water packages with the same name. PepsiCo had filed a suit against Magfast Beverages in Delhi High court for infringement of their alleged trademark. But the Delhi High court refused their appeal and appointed an advocate commissioner.
Ghaziuddin said that he appealed the Supreme Court to transfer the case back to Hyderabad City Civil court as he belongs to that jurisdiction and not the Delhi jurisdiction.
"Here, we fought for about 15 years, and after all the fight on December 31 last year, the claims by PepsiCo were all dismissed by the court," he said
He also stated that in 2004 PepsiCo has filed an undertaking by stating that if the case filed is lost by PepsiCo, then the company is ready to pay the required compensation to Mag Fast Beverages.