The Good, Bad, and Challenges of the new Trade Mark Rules, 2017

Update: 2017-06-12 07:06 GMT

The Trade Marks Registry has notified the new Trade Mark Rules, 2017. The changes when looked at from the viewpoint of streamlining the functioning of the Trade Marks Registry and embracing technology to expedite the registration process are laudable. We thought to analyze these changes and how they will pan out in...

The Trade Marks Registry has notified

the new Trade Mark Rules, 2017.

The changes when looked at from

the viewpoint of streamlining the

functioning of the Trade Marks

Registry and embracing technology to expedite

the registration process are laudable. We thought

to analyze these changes and how they will pan

out in practise. We have classified them in three

buckets: good, bad, and challenges


  1. Reduction in the number of forms for each

    activity during the lifecycle of a trademark.

    Now, there are only eight forms in totality

    from the earlier 75 forms. The reduction in

    the number of forms will simplify filing/s for

    applicants as a single form can be used to cover

    multiple tasks, although these are required to

    be filed separately.

  2. To encourage online filing, the Registry

    has incentivized the agent/applicant to file

    applications/documents electronically/online

    and pay 10% less fees on such filing.

  3. To encourage individuals, start-ups, and small

    enterprises to create and protect their brand,

    further reduction has been offered in official


  4. Procedure for recording a mark as “well-known”

    has been laid out, including publication of a well-known mark for objection by a third party

    before granting coveted status of the “well

    known” mark.

  5. To move all communications through email,

    it is now mandatory for applicants to provide

    email address.

  6. Hearing through video-conferencing or other

    audio-video communication devices has been


  7. To reduce delays in the disposal of opposition,

    it has been provided that a party cannot ask for

    more than two adjournments. This will likely

    reduce the time for decision.

  8. The procedure for filing sound mark applications

    by providing MP3 files along with a graphical

    representation of the musical notations has

    been provided.


While it sounds being critical to group them under

the heading “bad,” we have provided our reasons

for doing so.

  1. Expedited examination of an application: We

    have placed this under the “bad” category

    as the Registry is already struggling with

    backlog and this provision will only disrupt

    the current working. In particular, the new Rule

    now provides expeditious processing of the

    application on the payment of fees which would inter alia include the setting up of show cause hearing,

    if required, and the publication of the application and

    opposition thereto, if any, till the final disposal of the

    application. All such proceedings would be dealt with

    expeditiously. Thus, one can jump the queue if one can

    afford it.

  2. In opposition/s cases, no extension to be allowed

    for filing evidence. It is a fixed two months’ period,

    which, on the face of it, is a good step. However, it is

    equally possible that the parties may not be able to

    meet the deadline, especially the ones that are based

    outside India given that the affidavit must be filed as a

    paper copy in original. In the digitized environment, a

    concession could have been made as regards the filing

    of a scanned copy followed by a paper copy to meet the

    strict timelines.

  3. The secrecy of the implementation of the Rules was

    maintained, and no sunrise period was provided to the

    applicants/stakeholders. As a result, frequent technical

    glitches are being faced in online filing processes.



New Rules list out several steps

taken by the Indian

government to streamline

the functioning of the

Intellectual Property

office and to somehow

reduce frivolous new


The new Rules list out several steps taken by the Indian

government to streamline the functioning of the Intellectual

Property office and to somehow reduce frivolous new filings

so as to expedite the process of filing, grant, recordation/

updating of records, and opposition. However, it does not

seem to address the current challenges in clearing backlog:

  1. Currently, several hundred applications, whether filed

    through Madrid or national applications which have

    received preliminary refusal, are awaiting scrutiny by

    the examiner/s.

  2. There is an opposition gridlock at the Trade Marks

    Registry with more than 114,218 oppositions pending

    as per the summary of applications under oppositions

    given on “Dynamic Utilities” of the TM Registry website.

  3. The new Rules for the declaration of well-known marks,

    it seems, will need a separate department as current

    officers (Senior Examiner, Assistant Registrar, and

    Deputy Registrar), who will be expected to scrutinize

    the applications, struggle to cope up with the workload.

    Thus, brand owners may find the whole process taking

    far too long.

Overall, more good than bad.

Disclaimer – The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author and are purely informative in nature.

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