GST Opportunities & Challenges

Update: 2017-03-09 12:11 GMT

GST isa widely adopted consumption tax that promisesto simplify indirect tax administration in Indiaby unifying the plethora of taxes and levies imposed by theCentral and state governments and allowing seamless creditthroughout the supply chain in transactions pertaining togoods and services.Keeping in mind the federal nature of our constitution, GSThas been proposed to be a dual levy...

GST is

a widely adopted consumption tax that promises

to simplify indirect tax administration in India

by unifying the plethora of taxes and levies imposed by the

Central and state governments and allowing seamless credit

throughout the supply chain in transactions pertaining to

goods and services.

Keeping in mind the federal nature of our constitution, GST

has been proposed to be a dual levy consisting of Central GST

(CGST) and State GST (SGST) which would be appropriated

by the Central and state governments, respectively. In case

of inter-state supply, transactions would attract levy of Integrated GST (IGST) which would be equivalent to the

aggregate of SGST and CGST.

Though GST has spurred much debate, discussions and

prognostication and has become a ubiquitous part of

our trade and commerce lexicon, the proposed regime

essentially seeks to resolve the four major issues that are

critical for the growth of the economy:

  • Creation of a one-market economy: The present legal

    framework permits the fragmentation of markets due to

    the differential treatment of intra-state and inter-state

    transactions. This, coupled with the several tariff and

    non-tariff incentive schemes offered by states to attract

    investments, resulted in the structuring of supply chain

    models based on the optimization of indirect tax costs

    rather than other economic factors and best practices.

  • Improved transparency with seamless input tax

    credit: GST is a value-added tax that will apply at

    each stage of value addition in a business value chain.

    However, to avoid any cascading impact, the regime

    would allow an input tax credit of the amount paid

    toward GST at the previous stage. This seamless credit

    availability is likely to improve the transparency between

    stakeholders (i.e., an assessee and authorities) and lead

    to the substantial simplification of compliances. In

    addition, the uniformity in classification and reduction

    in tax exemptions are likely to reduce classification

    disputes that are a regular cause of litigation between

    an assessee and the revenue department under the

    present regime.

  • Rationalization of cost of goods and services: With

    a unified levy and seamless input tax credit under the

    proposed GST regime, the government seeks to resolve

    the distortionary effect of multiple non-creditable taxes

    levied across the business value chain and helps in the

    reduction of associated costs.

  • Simplified compliance: The unification of several

    indirect taxes would substantially cut down compliances

    required in comparison with the present regime and

    reduce costs associated with them.

Though, conceptually, GST seeks to address uncertainties

and distortionary effects of the extant indirect tax regime,

it is critical that businesses and industries carefully map

its impact to tread through this transitionary phase. While

the much-awaited GST is conceivably expected to bring in

a uniform experience as well as simplicity to the existing

herculean system, a little introspection into the following

key issues would give businesses a better insight into the

ramifications of the proposed system:

  • Anti-profiteering clause: The revised Model GST Law

    (Model Law) as promulgated by the government has

    introduced an anti-profiteering mechanism. This has

    been introduced to ensure that the benefit of the reduced

    input cost on account of tax efficiencies is shared with

    consumers and not retained as excess profits. Though

    the anti-profiteering measure has been introduced

    with the pious intent of benefiting a consumer and

    controlling the inflationary impact of GST, it is likely

    that this may result in an “inspector raj” and excessive

    scrutiny of business policies.

    It would be relevant to highlight that the current Model

    Law merely prescribes the manner of enforcement

    without providing the manner in which a profiteering

    situation is to be determined. It is expected that detailed

    rules and regulations would be promulgated to ensure

    that the government does not end up disrupting the

    dynamics of the free-market economy under the garb of

    safeguarding consumer interests. Thus, while planning

    their transition to the GST regime, it is critical for

    businesses to assess the impact of such provisions to

    avoid any future dispute with revenue authorities.

  • Uncertainty regarding MRP-regime goods: Goods

    falling within the scope of the Legal Metrology regime

    are currently taxed on their declared retail or sale price

    under the existing Excise regime. For this purpose, the

    government provided abatement in respect of many

    goods to control the negative cost impact of Excise duty.

    With the Model Law departing from the MRP-based

    valuation in favor of a “transaction value” regime, it is

    critical that businesses involved in the manufacturing

    of MRP-regime goods undertake a thorough assessment

    of their cost impact. This issue is specifically critical for

    businesses involved in sectors such as retail, consumer

    goods, electronics, and automotive components.

  • Uncertainty regarding place of supply and place of

    provision of service: Though the Model Law attempts

    to provide a detailed list of situations and applicable

    regimes, some concerns still remain. For example, in

    the asset management industry, the local offices of

    mutual funds transact with

    investors and sign them up for

    investment, but the allocation

    of units in the respective mutual

    fund is undertaken by the

    headquarters, which may or may

    not be within the same state.

    The extant Model Law does not

    provide sufficient guidance on

    such unique transactions, which

    require specific provisions in

    consonance with the relevant

    trade practice so as to avoid any

    disruption to the sector.

  • Restructuring related party

    transactions: Departing from

    the existing principle of taxing

    the sale of goods or the provision

    of services by one person to another, GST would be

    charged on their supply. Accordingly, all intra-group

    or related party transactions, including those between

    the branches of the same legal entity, would now be

    chargeable to GST. Thus, it is critical that all intra-group

    or related party transactions are revisited in light of the

    proposed regime to undertake the necessary alignment

    in business practices to minimize the increased demands

    on working capital.

  • Valuation of stock transfers: Stock transfer of goods

    among different entities or branches of an enterprise is

    a common trade practice. In terms of the Model Law,

    stock transfers are to be taxed at the transaction value.

    Since in many cases, incomplete or unfinished goods

    undergo stock transfers for the captive consumption

    of related entities, the valuation of goods would have

    to be made in accordance with the computed value

    based on cost-accounting standards. This change in law mandates requisite diligence at the time of clearance

    cause to avoid any disputes with revenue authorities. To

    avoid this operational hardship for trade and industry,

    it is expected that a separate yardstick is provided

    specifically for the determination of value in the case

    of stock transfers. In this regard, it is also important

    that the relevant staff is educated thoroughly on the

    proposed valuation mechanism to avoid disputes and

    take informed positions.

  • Increased obligations for vendor management: In

    terms of the Model Law, it is necessary that the amount

    of input tax credit that is provisionally availed by a

    purchasing dealer matches the output tax liability

    discharged by a supplier. On account of this mandate for

    increased synergies between a vendor and purchasing

    dealer, it is apparent that contractual arrangements

    among parties would need to be revisited and that

    indemnity clauses would need to be appropriately reworded

    to cover all such risks. This

    is critical for ensuring diligent and

    timely compliance by vendors.


A conceptual analysis of the

proposed GST reveals that most

stakeholders, i.e., trade & industry,

the government and ultimate

consumers stand to gain with its

implementation. However, since the

move to GST is a paradigm shift in

the manner of taxing transactions in

goods and services, it is necessary

that all aspects are examined

by these stakeholders before its


From the perspective of trade and industry, the impending

GST regime would trigger an inevitable transformation in

business operations. This imminent shift to the new regime

presents a strategic opportunity for trade and industry

to restructure themselves in such a manner that their

profitability and operational efficiencies can be improved.

This, in our view, can only be achieved with detailed impact

analyses and prior planning for the transition, which would

also help in avoiding any prolonged disputes with tax


On the other hand, from a regulator’s perspective, it would

be relevant that the new taxing mechanism is aligned

to existing trade practices. This would not only ensure

certainty in the implementation of policies but also help in

avoiding any disruptions to trade and commerce. Therefore,

the implementation of GST is the first step, and it would

need to follow an involved process of dialogue among

regulators, industry, and consumers to ensure that it meets

the objectives that it proposes to achieve.


– The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author and are purely informative in nature.

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