Update: 2017-06-20 11:05 GMT

If potentially contentious issues are governed by predictable rules and effective dispute resolution mechanisms, there is far greater possibility of avoiding litigation or arbitration and achieving reasonable, cost-efficient resultsA clear and unambiguous contract/agreement document is the foundation for minimization of conflicts and disputes. In fact, drafting of the...

If potentially contentious

issues are governed by

predictable rules and

effective dispute resolution

mechanisms, there is far

greater possibility of avoiding

litigation or arbitration and

achieving reasonable, cost-

efficient results

A clear and unambiguous contract/agreement document is the foundation for minimization

of conflicts and disputes. In fact, drafting of

the contract/agreement is the first foundation

step for “dispute management”. In that regard,

the dispute resolution clause usually incorporates the

process of amicable negotiation/settlement before setting

the “dispute resolution” process in motion. If potentially

contentious issues are governed by predictable rules and

effective dispute resolution mechanisms, there is a far

greater possibility of avoiding litigation or arbitration, and

achieving reasonable and cost-efficient results.

A, a company incorporated under German law, enters into a

Master Umbrella Agreement with B, a company incorporated under Indian law, and C, a company incorporated

under US law. The transaction also includes entering

into various supplementary Agreements between A, B

and C in which they govern the German documents by

German Law, US documents by New York law, and

Indian transaction documents by Indian law, with

the courts of Chennai having jurisdiction in the event

of a dispute. Evidently there are complex manifold

transactions, and thus arises the need for a well-constructed,

enforceable Dispute Resolution Clause. A contract or

agreement entered into between parties in relation to

a transaction, reflects intention of the parties towards

discharging their respective obligations for enabling

respective parties claim their respective consideration

agreed upon under the contract.

In the event of any conflict of interest between the parties

in the matter of discharge of respective obligations or in

relation to consideration being looked for by them, the

parties may devise ways to manage their dispute, which

may either be provided for in the contract or which the

parties may agree upon subsequently towards mutual

settlement of their interest and thereby manage their

conflict of interests. However, in cases where parties fail

to reach a point of settlement of their mutual interest and

thereby fail to manage their conflicts, their disputes then

look towards necessity of resolution by seeking involvement

of a third party. Therefore, precisely it is the unmanaged

or rather mismanaged disputes which look for a resolution


Elements of dispute resolution in multi-

jurisdictional perspective

In a multi-jurisdictional perspective, the parties involved are

required to be alert to many aspects of dispute resolution. A

few such aspects are as follows:

  1. Jurisdiction:

    Parties belonging to two different

    jurisdictions in a contract may mutually settle for a

    neutral jurisdiction in order to avoid raising allegations

    of partiality on the part of the dispute resolving process.

  2. Ad hoc v institutional mechanism of dispute


    Parties may tend to instill more faith in the

    institutional resolution process than ad-hoc process,

    and in that perspective, they may look towards a

    jurisdiction having credible institutional mechanism of

    dispute resolution process. Further, depending upon the

    process of institution being cost-effective, the parties may choose an institution suitable to their transaction,

    jurisdiction, etc.

  3. Cost of dispute resolution:

    This is an important factor

    for consideration. At first glance, the institutional

    resolution process may appear to be costlier than

    the ad-hoc system of dispute resolution. However,

    experience over a period of time has shown that the

    institutional resolution process is more cost-effective

    and efficient than the ad-hoc process, when seen

    from the perspective of time consumption, quality of

    resolution, sustainability of resolution, etc.

  4. Prevailing law:

    Choosing the applicable law, while

    entering into a contract, is of wide implication. The

    choice of law would be on two counts, (i) law applicable

    to merits of the dispute and (ii) law applicable to the

    process of dispute resolution, i.e. substantive law

    and procedural law. In this regard, parties need be

    vigilant as to the law which secures their interests in

    a proper manner. Absence of a contract spelling out the

    applicable law, will invite other methods of ascertaining

    such applicable laws, which may prolong the resolution


  5. Seat v Venue of Arbitration:

    In the perspective of

    arbitration being chosen as the mode of dispute

    resolution, the “seat” of arbitration has special

    significance, as settled by a plethora of judicial

    pronouncements. The nexus between the “seat” or the

    “place” of arbitration vis-à-vis procedural law i.e. the

    lex arbitri is well settled by judicial pronouncements.

    Supreme Court has in Enercon (India) Ltd. v

    Enercon Gmbh taken note of observation of Court of

    Appeal in England as made in the case A v B [38] to the

    effect that

    “.....an agreement as to the seat of an arbitration is

    analogous to an exclusive jurisdiction clause. Any claim

    for a remedy......as to the validity of an existing interim

    or final award is agreed to be made only in the courts of

    the place designated as the seat of arbitration.”

    It stands categorically settled that “venue” of

    arbitration must not be confused with the “seat” of

    arbitration. While “venue” may be more than one places

    where arbitration proceedings may be held having

    regard to the convenience for such proceedings, the

    “seat” of arbitration is the one which is the epicenter

    of the arbitration. The laws prevailing at the “seat”

    of arbitration are the ones which will apply to the

    proceedings being conducted at a “venue” even away

    from such “seat”.

  6. Preliminary relief / emergency arbitrator:

    With respect to availing immediate interim relief securing the subject matter of arbitration, the parties may look up for

    some measure of securing their interest in the subject

    matter of dispute. Availability of relevant mechanism

    with the institution being looked upon by the parties,

    for providing such immediate relief, would become very

    significant. At the same time, the implementation of

    such interim relief requires the parties to be vigilant

    about availability of effective lawful mechanism in the

    chosen jurisdiction, for enforcement of such interim


  7. Drafting of the CONTRACT/AGREEMENT is the first foundation step for “DISPUTE MANAGEMENT”

  8. Choice of language:

    Chosen language rules across

    every process of the dispute resolution, i.e. orders in

    the proceedings, presentation of written pleadings/

    testimonies, leading of oral depositions, leading of oral

    arguments, etc. as the rules governing the resolution

    process may provide for. Depending upon comfort of the

    chosen language, for presenting the case of the parties

    in the best manner, the choice of language may be opted

    for by the parties. Availability of equipped resources

    with the institution dealing in the chosen language, is

    also a factor, the parties need be vigilant about.

  9. Deposition / oral testimony:

    The facility enabling parties

    to lead oral testimony would demand cost. It is why,

    dispute resolution institutions across the globe favor a

    document-only arbitration, while avoiding requirement

    of oral testimonies or leading of oral arguments. This in

    turn shortens the time consumed and the cost involved

    in the process of dispute resolution. Rules of dispute

    resolution institutions may often provide for additional

    cost for leading of oral testimonies inter-alia for making

    proper arrangement of recording of testimonies, cross-

    examination, leading arguments, etc. Parties need to

    be vigilant about cost-effective facilities in that regard,

    while choosing the institution.

  10. Document discovery:

    The law relating to “discovery

    of documents” has varied implications across various

    jurisdictions. While there are jurisdictions where parties

    may not be required to produce any document adverse

    to it, there are other jurisdiction where parties may be required to produce such documents and non-production

    thereof invites adverse inference against such party.

    This apart, the dispute resolution institutions dealing

    with international commercial disputes have adopted

    strict regulations for use of discovery, to check adverse

    consequences as well as abuse of such process.

  11. Public policy:

    The issue of “public policy” has attracted

    much debate, and jurists across the globe have concurred

    that the concept of “public policy” is incapable of precise

    definition. While Lord Justice Burrough 1 in Richardson

    vs. Mellish (1824-34) All E.R. 258 gave “public policy” the impression of

    “a high and unruly horse”

    , however,

    Lord Denning


    , in Enderyby Town Football Club Ltd. v.

    Football Association Ltd., [1971] Ch. 591, 606, observed


    “With a good man in the saddle, the unruly horse

    can be kept in control. It can jump over obstacles.”

    Further, in the context of a multi-jurisdictional approach,

    “public policy” may be understood in the sense that

    parties in a jurisdiction may be free to contract to those

    out of jurisdiction, however, at the time of enforcement

    of award in the said jurisdiction, the courts of that

    jurisdiction will check that the award is not opposed

    to any law of that jurisdiction. In such context, one

    must be concerned as to how much faith of litigants,

    the judiciary of the given jurisdiction enjoys. Further,

    time involved in disposal of judicial proceedings in such

    jurisdiction would remain a key factor for parties to

    consider in this regard.

  12. Dispute resolution clause:

    Drafting of the contract/

    agreement is the first foundation step for “dispute

    management”. In that regard, the dispute resolution

    clause usually incorporates the process of amicable

    negotiation/settlement before setting the “dispute

    resolution” process in motion; i.e. the clause governing

    resolution/management of dispute between parties,

    stipulate muti-tier approach, whereby parties are

    initially required to resort to an amicable recourse to

    resolution by negotiation or discussion at one or more

    level, within stipulated time at each level. In case the

    dispute remains unresolved despite efforts being put at

    each level of negotiation/discussion, recourse is then

    taken to approaching the dispute resolution forum/

    institution, i.e. court process or arbitration.

So far the “dispute resolution” clause is concerned, it

has been experienced over the years that much resources

and time of the litigating parties has gone only into

interpretation of uncertain terms in the “dispute resolution”

clause, be it on the aspect of existence of arbitration

agreement, jurisdiction or the like. It is, therefore, essential

to account for such uncertainties at the time of framing of

the foundation document itself. Accordingly, the “dispute

resolution” clause needs to clearly identify the jurisdiction,

dispute resolution forum, applicable laws, applicable

language, seat of dispute resolution, and the like.


Lord Justice Burrough was the Third British Justice of the Court of Common Pleas in May 1816. He retired in January 1830. Richardson vs. Mellish (1824-34) All

E.R. 258 was one of the Judgments delivered by him, which touched upon the issue of “Public Policy”.


Lord Justice Denning was an English lawyer and Judge who

has been called “the greatest judge of the century” and “probably the greatest English judge of modern times”. Called to the bar in 1923 as a barrister he became

a King’s Counsel in 1938 and became a judge in Enderyby Town Football Club Ltd. v. Football Association Ltd., [1971] Ch. 591, 606 was one of the Judgments he

delivered on the issue of “Public Policy”, taking a progressive and positive view on the said issue.

Disclaimer – The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author and are purely informative in nature.

By: - Shweta Bharti

Shweta is an alumnus of Prestigious Institute like Harvard Business School and Bucerius Summer School and Asian Forum on Global Governance, Germany. Shweta is the Chair of the Environment Law Committee of the Inter Pacific Bar Association(IPBA). She has been recognised as one of the top Dispute Resolution Lawyers of India. She brings together a perfect blend of litigation strategy & business practices meeting the business needs of the clients. She possesses a vast experience of more than a decade in dealing with dispute resolution needs and reliefs of the clients. Shweta has represented clients in all facets of the corporate litigation and strategy.

By - Vishal Sharma

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