Cybercrime Am I Even A Real Victim?

Update: 2017-06-10 06:33 GMT

The author elaborates on thenature of the cyber world andits many pitfalls#Trolls, #Trolling are the most popular hashtags incyberspace today. Let’s understand what Trolling is, whothese trolls are, and what it does to the one trolled.“Trolling is an act to make a deliberately offensive orprovocative online post/tweet with the aim of upsettingsomeone or creating unrest in an online group...

The author elaborates on the

nature of the cyber world and

its many pitfalls

#Trolls, #Trolling are the most popular hashtags in

cyberspace today. Let’s understand what Trolling is, who

these trolls are, and what it does to the one trolled.

“Trolling is an act to make a deliberately offensive or

provocative online post/tweet with the aim of upsetting

someone or creating unrest in an online group or community

by posting off topic messages.”

Users/individuals who love to add fuel to fire or rather

fire the fuel are the ones who are likely to become Internet

trolls. Internet/cyberspace gives them the perfect ground to

get away with the menace they create or the harm they do

and also encourages such acts by providing the attention &

audience for these acts.

These traits of trolls have been associated to people who

have narcissist or psychopath & sadist tendencies. It is

your suffering that brings them pleasure. It is the power of

hurting someone that drives them.

“I may not even be a real victim but it did hurt” were the

words of journalist Dhanya Rajendran, who was victim

of an organized trolling attack by fans of Tollywood

actor Vijay.

Within a few minutes of her above tweet going live,

she was bombarded by vulgar tweets and sexual and

death threats. There have been around 45,000 tweets

over the following three days and a derogatory hashtag

trended on Twitter.

The alleged trolls have also dug out her tweets in the

past that they say targeted Vijay. Yet she feels she may

not be real victim. Why? Just because this happened in

cyber space? Just because it’s virtual crime & not real/


Is making friends his fault? Or is trusting friends his fault?

His laptop getting hacked is his fault? He is being bullied &

threatened and yet he feels he is not a victim of cybercrime

as it’s all in virtual space.

A 26-year-old employee reaches out for help from

cyber psychologist to help him fight cyber bullies. Our

young man makes friends on social media and uses

the latest mediums of technology for communication

– chats & video calls. Typical of human nature he is

trusting & cannot sense any foul play. One evening after

a video call with his new found friend, he says adieu

to her as it’s time for him to hit the bed. Next morning

he receives a YouTube link from his friend on private

chat. When he clicks the link he is shocked to see his

own video from last night when he was changing into

comfort wear for bed time. What follows next is a note

threatening him to pay up ransom else the video link

will be shared with all his social media contacts.

“It’s my entire fault. I feel more stupid rather than

a real victim. I don’t think I have any control now. I

am feeling so suicidal. I can’t share this with anyone.

Please help me”, he shares with me in a telephonic


Cyberbullying is the fastest-growing form of cybercrime

in Internet space. Teenagers and adults are going through

life being cyber-bullied and may or may not be aware of

this. Most who are aware of what is happening to them feel

depressed, miserable, have low self-esteem and a sense of


12-year-old Tanya (name changed) is going for

counselling sessions for the last 2 months to

build up her self-confidence & work on the fear

of attending school. Tanya is another child who is

a victim of cyber bullying. One nasty comment by

anonymous user on her picture with braces on social

media attracted many more unpleasant comments

making fun of her physical appearance, intelligence,

etiquettes etc., murdering her self-confidence with

every like received on such comments. Her parents

reported that she started staying indoors, became

very irritable & sensitive. She would either cry or

yell at a drop of a hat and she was just not ready

to go to school. Her parents were unaware of the

actual trigger but knew something is bothering her

& hence sought professional help.

Cyber-bullies are highly intimidating. They thrive on having

an audience. Display of power, vengeance and thrill are

some of the reasons why people bully.

India as a country stands 4th in cyberbullying. Also, what

is noteworthy is that if one in 10 children has been bullied

online, about 50 percent of children are also the cyberbullies.

Knowingly or unknowingly, people contribute to

bullying in virtual space. Somewhere it’s the feeling of

superiority or simply having fun by demeaning someone

that leads to such bullying.

As much is the impact of physical harassment, even more

is that of the virtual harassment, intent being more or less

the same. Given the magnitude of the Internet/cyberspace,

the criminal acts are more dreadful & intense. The 3A’s of

cyberspace - Anonymity, Authority and Attention - make it

very alluring for psychologically sick-minded people to vent

or act out their intents. In fact, it also gives a platform to

normal people to unleash their dark side & seek pleasure

in dark fun.

Cybercrimes like trolling, cyberbullying, hacking are

amongst the more common ones.

The list of types of cybercrimes is increasing at a rapid

speed along with advancement of technology & its role

in our day-to-day lives. Our social lives have spilled over

into the virtual space & rather the virtual is taking over the

physical or real social scenario.

Let us understand that the damage such crimes

can do is humungous and very deep due to the nature

of cyberspace. Physical wounds heal faster than mental

ones. Firstly, it takes a while for the victim to even realize

that he or she is a victim, and thereafter, what to do is not


Psychological impact

of cyber bullying

& trolling is deep,

irreversible and sadly

invisible too. Be

responsible with your

words & actions

Stay aware & stay safe is the mantra. Some useful tips to

keep you alert & aware while in cyberspace:

  • Cyber world is a world of perceptions. What we perceive

    is what we believe. So remember it’s all about how we

    feel & what we think.

  • Avoid using social networking platform whenever in

    emotional distress. Emotional distress clouds the logical

    mind and we operate out of impulse & overwhelming

    feelings (be it of hurt, anger, loneliness etc.)

  • No face, no eye contact makes it easy to speak up &

    share details as there is no fear of being judged. But it

    impacts your ability to make good judgments of other

    people’s intent.

  • Take your time & do a good background check (physical

    check) before trusting anyone you met in cyber space.

  • Do not update on real-time location. No one besides

    your family needs to know where you are.

  • Avoid posting pictures of your children. Dark web is the

    haven of child abusers and pedophiles.

  • All social networking sites have privacy settings. It

    takes 5-10 minutes to go through them. Invest that time

    for your own safety.

  • Virtual world is not REAL. Put in efforts to stay

    connected to real friends.

Lastly, like any physical hurt, mental hurt also needs

attention & professional advise. Do not hesitate to seek



Disclaimer – The views expressed in this article are the personal views of the author and are purely informative in nature.


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